Is it a Good Idea to Have Sex With Your Friend?

Is it a Good Idea to Have Sex With Your Friend
So, you’ve got that friend – you always flirt the line between friendship and something more, you get on so well and you’re always laughing together, Parramatta escorts, while time goes by without either of you noticing. So the question is, should you do something about it?

However, if you are going to do this, it is important to consider what you both want and how both of you feel about sex. If you’re both pretty casual and can have sex without it meaning anything, then you’ll probably be fine. However, if one of you can’t separate emotion and sex, then you’re in more slippery territory.

To avoid this problem, it is important to establish the boundaries and to know what you both want. Will this be a one-time thing? A friends with benefits situation? Or do you want to be in a relationship? Having this conversation is awkward for everyone involved, but you might find it will save one or both of you a lot of pain and upset in the near future.

Generally speaking, I think that if you have no intention of getting into a relationship, it’s probably not a good idea. It’s very easy for one of you to catch feelings – you’re friends after all, so you must like a lot about that person in the first place. It can also be hard to go back to the way things were beforehand. In the long run, it would probably be a lot easier to go out and meet someone you’ve not already got a friendship with for some meaningless, enjoyable sex.

If you do have feelings, your best bet is to talk to each other rather than to jump into bed with each other straight away. Figure out what you both want from each other and then decide from there if you want to act on your feelings or maybe to think about starting to get over it. If you’re both in the same headspace and you both just want sex, then go for it. However, it’s probably a good idea take some time and to think about what you really want from your friend and most importantly, you should talk about it.