Can a Sex Worker Be in a Relationship?


The sex worker industry is very vast today. While typically only associating “sex workers” with prostitution or acting in adult movies, the internet has opened up the field to include things such as cam girls or guys, escorts, or anyone marketing and selling their own personal adult content, escorts in Liverpool.

It can be more challenging than average to be in a relationship due to your full or part-time occupation as a sex worker. But, with the right person, creating and maintaining a successful relationship while working in the sex industry is possible.

How Do You Drop the Bomb?

If you and your significant other are not together when you become a sex worker, then the question becomes when and how do you let them know?

Some people have zero intention of telling someone they are casually dating the true nature of their occupation. Fair enough. But what happens when that “casually dating” turns relationship status?

For some, honesty is the best policy, and letting a prospective partner know up front is the way to go. However, this could be too much for someone THINKING about entering a relationship, and it could be a no-brainer if they aren’t SURE about the relationship in the first place.

Others think that by allowing the potential S/O to get to know the REAL the first, then once they spill the bean about what they do for a living, the person will be so enamored that they will simply be able to overlook the minor indiscretion. They will be more than willing to give that relationship ago.

The opposition to that scenario is you think it is the right time to share your secret, but your s/o cannot handle the news, calling it quits. Part of that can go directly back to you, not being honest in the first place. Or maybe, once the truth was out, it was simply inevitable.

They Know. Now What?

As with any relationship, dynamics and tolerance levels come into play as a sex worker trying to maintain a normal relationship with your s/o. Here are some tips that could be helpful to you and your lover in your pursuit of that perfect relationship:

• You are NOT your job – As with ANY occupation, you must be able to find that work-life/homelife balance, and nowhere will this idea be more critical than in trying to maintain a sense of normalcy while engaging in a relationship with a sex worker

You must LITERALLY be able to leave your occupation at the door when you are a sex worker pursuing a “normal” relationship. Talkabout about your hard day dealing with a man who was just too big, if probably not optimal dinner conversation.

• Have an open line of communication – While your S/O other might not want to know EVERY aspect of what goes into your job description, when they want to discuss things, be ready to talk with them open-mindedly and help them to feel more at ease with the situation. This will also help with communication in other aspects of your relationship, as well.

• Offer to include them as much as possible – Get them to help you with your next set of promo pics or vids. Ask them to “co-start” with you in a promo or video. Have them accompany you to a meeting and be your “bodyguard.”

By no alienating them from what you do, you will see that it will assist your s/o in accepting and
being more comfortable with your occupational endeavors.

While it may be DIFFICULT to maintain a “normal relationship when you are the sex working trade, it CAN be done. Be mindful of your partner’s feelings, which will help your relationship grow and flourish on multiple levels.